Directions on how to book on the Hilton Travel Agent booking engine

You do NOT need to register to book with this booking engine.

If you are asked to put in your CLIA or IATA number, use this number:

Follow the directions below to maximize your benefits with Hilton

Step #1: Get setup with Hilton Honors

Step #2: Get setup with Unlimited Rewards

Make sure you save your Hilton Honors and Unlimited Rewards numbers,
you will need them when you book on your Travel Agent Booking Engine

You must fill out a CBS Form on all reservations to receive your commissions

Hilton pays a 10% commission 30-60 days after the travel is completed.
(2/3 of the commissions will be deposited into your iClub BIZ eWallet and 25% of the commissions is converted to BV and added to the Pay Leg of your Binary for Team Commissions.)

You must fill out a CBS Form on all reservations to receive your commissions

Make sure you bookmark your booking engine

There are no login credentials needed for this booking engine, you will enter your Travel Agent number during the booking process.

Hilton Travel Agent Booking Engine Directions:

You must fill out a CBS Form on all reservations to receive your commissions

Hilton pays a 10% commission 30-60 days after the travel is completed.
(2/3 of the commissions will be deposited into your iClub BIZ eWallet and 25% of the commissions is converted to BV and added to the Pay Leg of your Binary for Team Commissions.)

You must fill out a CBS Form on all reservations to receive your commissions

to go back to booking engine setup